Study & Design
The NM 41 Alignment Study process followed the guidelines set forth in the NMDOT’s Location Study Procedures 2015. The Guidebook outlines three phases of a corridor study:
Phase A—Initial Evaluation of Alternatives
Phase B—Detailed Evaluation of Alternatives
Phase C—Environmental Documentation and Processing
Phase D—Preliminary Design
Phase II—Final Design
An Environmental Assessment (EA) was completed for the corridor, the FONSI will be reevaluated for Phase III and the NEPA document authorizing Phase III construction will be the signed FONSI re-evaluation.
A Context Sensitive Public Involvement Plan (CSPIP) has been prepared to establish a structural decision-making process for problem definition. The Plan identifies strategies for making effective decisions, incorporating community input and environmental sensitivity, and ensuring safe and feasible solutions that address the project needs. The Plan includes a comprehensive public involvement plan (PIP), which is intended to ensure opportunities for meaningful input into the design process and for the Study Team to respond to concerns and suggestions.