Selected Alternatives
The selected alternative reconstructs NM 41 within the project limits. Reconstruction includes the roadway pavement and subgrade, the addition of shoulders, and replacement/upgrades of ancillary features such as right-of-way fencing, signing, and drainage structures. This alternative maintains the existing functional classification of NM 41 as a 2-lane rural collector highway, and upgrades the roadway to a safe and modern
highway that is consistent with the rural and historic character of the Galisteo Basin. Features of the selected alternative include:
Community Core Area
11' Lanes - 4' Shoulders
No rumble strips
Community Transition Area

11' Lanes - 4' Shoulders
No Rumble Strips
Dispersed Medians for Visual Cues at approximately 1/2 mile intervals
12' Lanes - 6' Shoulders
Atypical Rumble Strips
Atypical Rumble Strips

Provides wider effective shoulder area
Maintains the skipped region for bicycle crossing
Friction course extends to full 6-foot shoulder width
Weather Guardrail

Standard Guardrail

Weathered Guardrail
Weathered (Corten Steel) Guardrail
Rustic aesthetic appearance